F Newsmagazine is a journal of arts, culture, and politics edited and designed by students at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Copyright © 2020 by F Newsmagazine
Dear readers,
Decolonization is the shift from colonial modes of thought and power into self-determination for minority groups and descendants of colonized groups, as well as populations still oppressed by imperial power.
This year, we had planned for the theme of our final print issue, May 2020, to be Decolonization. Because of the campus closure, the May print issue was canceled. But in light of the spring and summer protests for Black Lives Matter, this theme became even more relevant.
In this issue, we hope to ask: What is the process for building a post-colonial future? What challenges do we face? Where does SAIC, Chicago, the art world, fit into that future?
— F Newsmagazine Staff
An interview with Rula Zuhour on mapping a Palestinian neighborhood and its possible futures.
By Leah Gallant
Amid the ongoing U.S. protests, memes are playing a significant role in the rapid dissemination of information.
By Ishani Synghal
How two student organizers are working overtime for campus equity.
By Leo Smith
How to read fewer white guys, and have fun doing it.
By Darshita Jain
How the demographics of police murders compare in cities across the country.
By Lela Johnson
Dear readers,
Decolonization is the shift from colonial modes of thought and power into self-determination for minority groups and descendants of colonized groups, as well as populations still oppressed by imperial power.
This year, we had planned for the theme of our final print issue, May 2020, to be Decolonization. Because of the campus closure, the May print issue was canceled. But in light of the spring and summer protests for Black Lives Matter, this theme became even more relevant.
In this issue, we hope to ask: What is the process for building a post-colonial future? What challenges do we face? Where does SAIC, Chicago, the art world, fit into that future?
— F Newsmagazine Staff
Managing Editor
Leo Smith
Art Director
Cat Cao
Jade Sheng
Assistant Art Director
Ishita Dharap
Staff Designers
Justine Guzman
Chanina Katz
Shannon Lewis
Raven Mo
Audrea Wah
Arts Editor
Leah Gallant
Comics Editor
Reilly Branson
Infographics Editor
Lela Johnson
Entertainment Editor
Georgia Hampton
Lit Editor
Darshita Jain
News Editor
Olivia Canny
Photo Editor
Georgia Hampton
SAIC Editor
Dustin Lowman
Engagement Editor
Kaitlin Weed
Ilai Gilbert
Editorial Advisor
Paul Elitzik
Design Advisor
Michael Miner